Hahaha, nothing craft related today (probably) just wanted to share this pic taken of me 2 years ago today, it's pretty funny... now.

This was 2 days before my boys were born and I am still convinced that I don't look that pregnant, you know, not that much bigger than a single... maybe it's just because it was me. I was always forgetting about the extra tummy closing the car door on it (don't worry, it did not hurt me or them!) or doing other stupid things :) Anyways, just thought I would share as I was looking through some old photos and getting all nostalgic/
We are off this morning to get the little whoppers all weighed and measured and what ever else they do to them for their 2 year check up... I have been dying to know how tall they are, I don't think they made it to 1M but Dallas would be pretty close, he was 95/96 cm at 18 months and Levi was around 90 cm. I will let you all know how they go, I can't wait, I'm easily amused and their growth has always
fascinated me :)
WOW Fran - how did you manage to lug all that around - and stay smiling - LOL. But am sure it was ALL worth it!
awww Fran!! I ironed my belly one day..... Doc was pretty amused by my burn mark!! Ouch!! Hope the boys go well at their check up!! I love taking Ruby too and seeing how much she has grown. its was 3cms in a month last time. WOWSERS:-)
OMG - Look at you, that is funny. You look a little fed up? I would have been. I'm surprised you are smiling. You do look like you have two bubbas in there to me!! I thought I was huge - but my belly wasnt as big as yours!! Ahahaha, I'm still chuckling. Are you ready to do it all again? hahahaha. Sorry :)
Wow - Dallas is tall! We though Jarred was tall at 92 cm at 2 years.
Have fun!
OMG Franalicious that belly is huge!!! Defiantly looks like theres two in there to me LOL.But you look absolutly glowy fab!
Aww happy birthday in 2 days to your boys...and happy BIRTH day to you heheh get it birthing day LOL. All though maybe you dont want to remeber the pain hmm LOL.
Kristy xx
Awww... I think you look beautiful!!
Hope the boys check up goes BIRTHDAY to them!!!
Wow Fran! That's pretty much how I looked before my twin boys were born! I never thought I was as "huge" as everyone always told me... looking back at pics, I really was!!! My boys will be 2 at the end of July... can't wait to see how tall they are, they're just below 90cm now, so they're getting up there too! Can you believe you actually had twins, I think it's still surreal to me! And yeah, I crashed too... thanks for sharing your pic, made me want to get the photo album out! ♥
You look gorgeous and VERY pregnant and wow bigger then a single lol. Funny how we see/think of ourselves though!
Sue x
Oooh, thanks for sharing your pic - brings back memories for me now - I still remember that 'tight' feeling in my tummy. I'm so thankful my boys came five weeks early, don't think I could have gone longer than that. And that was all 8.5 years ago - time flies.
You look fabulous - hope the boys have a fun filled day. Take care.
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