Well... it started out busy and is now busy and stressful!! It was the boys birthday yesterday so we just hung out at home and played with the boys new toys (they got buzz and woody figurines and spent the morning on the couch with their dad watching toy story 2 and wiggling their toys at the screen, so cute!) and we had our mum's over for dinner and cake. Tomorrow we are having out immediate family, brothers, sisters, etc over for lunch... around 20 people! Hmmm... I had no idea there were that many of them, but it is just a bbq and a few bit's and pieces, I mace chocolate ripple cake and mars bar slice, yummy, and and we are having donut cake! (so excited by that) and hopefully all this sugar and chocolate will help with my stressed-ness... (either that or perhaps someone could just keep my mother away from me for a while, that would be nice too!!)
Anyways, i wanted to share bubby pic's with ya. Here are my little bugs on the day they were born. Awwww, they were so widdle... I can't wait to have another baby!! That is Levi on the left and Dallas on the right (check out the massive nostrils, they now easily accommodate 2 sultanas each with a little room to spare, he has tested this several times much to my displeasure!)
And this is a piccy of them a couple of weeks ago, Levi hogging the camera and Dallas grinning away in the background.
Anyways, thanks for sticking around for the rant. I have been MIA this week and hopefully can catch up over the next few days. I will be back with a card for Magnolia Down Under in the morning so see you then :)
Umm from now on when you post can you put a warning for me saying kristy dont read Im mentioning yummy food im eating bahahha.
Your boys are soooo stinkin adorable, I think i want to bite them!! And laughed so loud about the sultana's heheh.
Hope your yummy food de stresses you and um.....have a piece of mars bar slice for me...!
Kristy xx
Awwww.... look at them!! It is when they are sleeping and laughing that makes me clucky.... then they start doing naughty stuff and the cluckiness it WIPED CLEAN!! They are seriously gorgeous Fran. I can see why you want more. Have fun tomorrow and try to breathe!!!
Fran, your boys are so adorable!! Not identical? Look how sweet and innocent they were.. though I know what two of them are really capable of now, and how much 'egging on' really happens!
Thanks so much for sharing your pics, I have a 4yo daughter too... not sure if I want any more, but seeing your pics is making me wonder! Not sure if that's a good thing or not!!
I'm sure their party will be great ♥
They were adorable bubbas and look like aodrably cheeky little boys! Aaaaaaah babies - I LOVE babies!!!!
Too cute!!! Hope they had a great day!
Hugs x
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